Since 2010, Injury Prevention Services (IPS) has received funding from the Riverside County Department of Mental Health (MHSA) to assist school districts in the development of a Teen Suicide Awareness and Prevention Program.

Program Goals

  • To bring awareness surrounding the issue of teen suicide.
  • To promote positive youth development by allowing students to act as a resource for their peers in seeking mental health services
  • To reduce teen injuries and fatalities from suicide attempts

Program (TSAPP) Overview

  • Student Component
  • High Schools – Provide technical assistance to each high school site in developing a Suicide Awareness and Prevention club on campus. The focus of the club is on mental health awareness and stigma reduction. It is also a way to support student led advocacy.
  • Middle Schools - Train one (1) service group on each campus such as Friday Night Live, ASB, etc, to take the lead and establish a Crisis/Suicide Prevention program for their school site. Our program is designed to train youth how to address the issues of suicide with their peers. The program focus is to bring awareness and offer resources to youth in need. This includes coordinating two (2) awareness campaigns throughout the year helping to reduce the stigma surrounding seeking mental health services.
  • Staff Development
  • Gatekeeper Training – Two types of training are available to school districts. Both developed by Living Works Education. The first training is SafeTALK. This four (4) hour training is designed to provide an introduction into the field of suicide intervention. It provides steps on how to approach the subject of suicide with someone of concern, in addition to discussing the warning signs and risk factors associated with suicide. The second training is titled ASIST. Most people who work in the helping profession with special types of populations have suicide awareness. However, it is most Riverside County
  • Parent Education A 1 to 2 hour presentation will be provided to parents on the warning signs, risk factors and resources available to youth in crisis.
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