Frequently Asked Questions

How many positions does your program offer?

We offer 10 categorical positions each year.  

Is there a minimum COMLEX/USMLE score for your program?

We strongly recommend all applicants to submit both USMLE Step 1 and USMLE Step 2 scores before application submission. Test scores are only one part of the entire application. In general, individuals who score well on the COMLEX/USMLE are more likely to perform well on in-training examinations and the board certification examination. Individuals who consistently have difficulty passing the COMLEX/USMLE are less likely to perform well on future standardized examinations.

What match are you participating in?

Our program is participating in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) only. 

Is a rotation required in order to be considered to be invited for an interview? 

No. We highly recommend that students schedule a rotation if possible, but it is not a requirement. To request a rotation in our program, please visit to complete the rotation request form.  

I graduated a few years ago. Is there a maximum number of years out of school allowed for applicants?

To be considered a competitive applicant at our program we recommend applicants be out of medical school less than 5 years and have prior clinical experience within the United States health care system. Unused or unpracticed, clinical skills tend to decline over time.

Do I have to be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident to apply for your program? Do you offer J-1 or H-1 visas?

Yes, in order to be eligible for our residency program, you need to be either a United States citizen or a permanent resident. We do not offer J-1 or H-1 visas at this time.

Do you offer observorships or can I come for an informal visit or interview?

We do not offer observorships at this time. In the interest of fairness, we will not offer informal visits or interviews prior to our formal interviews. All complete applications will be reviewed after the application deadline. If you have been granted an interview, you will be notified after that date.

If I am a foreign medical graduate, what documents do I need in order to apply for your program?

In addition to the documents required for ERAS, all California residency programs require two additional documents from foreign medical graduates: 1) the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) status report and 2) the Postgraduate Training Authorization Letter (PTAL).

Please note that the Medical Board of California will require several months to issue the Postgraduate Training Authorization Letter, so please apply well in advance.  You may be granted an interview at our program before you have received your Postgraduate Training Authorization Letter (PTAL); however, we need to receive your PTAL before January 15th in order to rank you for the Match.