Cal-Learn is a statewide program for pregnant teens or parents under the age of 19 who receive economic assistance from CalWORKS to help with childcare, transportation, school expenses, and a $500 bonus upon graduation.

As a strategy for reducing teen pregnancy rates and long-term welfare dependency, the Cal-Learn program helps pregnant and parenting teens under the age of 19 to attend and graduate from high school or its equivalent. The program consists of three coordinated services designed to help teens become self-sufficient adults and responsible parents:

Home visitation with Intensive case management assists teen parents to obtain their education, access to medical and mental health, and social services.

Ancillary services are provided for necessary child care, transportation and educational expenses to assist pregnant/parenting teens to attend school and obtain their high school diploma or equivalency

Bonuses and sanctions encourage school attendance and good grades. Four $100 bonuses/sanctions per year may be earned/applied based on report card results, plus a one-time $500 bonus for graduating or attaining an equivalent high school diploma.

We can guide pregnant or parenting teens through the application process.

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