Frequently Asked Questions

How many positions does our program offer?

The ACGME has approved our program for 2 residents at each level.

I graduated a few years ago.  Is there a maximum number of years out of school allowed for applicants?

To be considered a competitive applicant at our program we recommend applicants be out of medical school less than 5 years and have prior clinical experience within the United States health care system. Unused or unpracticed clinical skills tend to decline over time.

Do I have to be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident to apply for your program?  Do you offer J-1 or H-1 visas?

Yes, in order to be eligible for our residency program, you need to be either a United States citizen or a permanent resident. We do not offer J-1 or H-1 visas at this time.

Do you offer observorships or can I come for an informal visit or interview?

We do not offer observorships at this time. In the interest of fairness, we will not offer informal visits or interviews prior to our formal interviews. All complete applications will be reviewed. If you have been granted an interview, you will be notified.