Listed below are some of the volunteer opportunities currently offered, but others are being developed, as well as a brief description of the responsibilities performed by volunteers/interns: 

  • Administrative Volunteers - Volunteers provide office support to office personnel in accomplishing daily projects and tasks. 
  • WIC Center Volunteers - Volunteers are trained to assist patients, complete forms, assist in providing translating services for staff and patients and provide office support. 
  • Internships - Internships are available in various programs including but not limited to: Public Health Nursing, Nutrition, Disease Control, Healthy Riverside County Initiative, HIV/AIDS, Laboratory, Family Planning, and others. 
  • Laboratory - Volunteers/Interns are trained as laboratory assistants to assist in different areas of preparing and documenting specimens for results and information. 
  • Nutrition Services - Volunteers/Interns are trained to assist staff at various sites with clients, assist in reading to children and in promoting literacy, assist with providing nutrition education, provide translating services for staff and clients and provide office support. 
  • Community Outreach Volunteers - Volunteers provide community outreach to inform the public of the services offered to them by the Department of Public Health through their various programs. 
  • Special Events - Volunteers participate in community health and service fairs to educate, inform, and promote the services provided by the Department of Public Health. 

Volunteer Application

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