The intent of Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) programs is to move to a “help first” system in order to engage individuals before the development of serious mental illness or serious emotional disturbance or to alleviate the need for additional or extended mental health treatment by facilitating access to services and supports at the earliest signs of mental health struggles. Potential multiple negative outcomes can be dramatically reduced for all age groups.
- Prevention in mental health involves building protective factors and skills, increasing support, and reducing risk factors or stressors
- Prevention efforts occur prior to a diagnosis for mental illness
- Generally, there are no time limits on prevention programs
- Addresses a condition early in its manifestation
- Is of relatively low intensity
- Is of relatively short duration (usually less than one year)
- Has the goal of supporting well-being in major life domains and avoiding the need for more extensive mental health services
- May include individual screening for confirmation of potential mental health needs
PEI programs are provided in places where behavioral health services are not traditionally given, such as schools, community centers, and faith-based organizations.
Many of the programs and services that are included in the RUHSBH PEI plan have been implemented. Please see “Our Services” tab for a list of available programs.
PEI Collaborative - Riverside University Health System – Behavioral Health, Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) invites you to the quarterly PEI Collaborative meeting. Building upon our community planning process we will have meetings throughout the year to keep you informed about PEI programming and services, build partnerships and collaborate, and work together to meet the prevention and early intervention needs for the individuals, children, families and communities of Riverside County.
This meeting is open for anyone who works with those who are impacted by PEI programming, agencies and organizations seeking to partner with PEI programs and providers, anyone interested in learning more about PEI services and their impact on the community, as well as anyone interested in having a voice regarding PEI programs.
To get on the email list and receive invitations to the Quarterly Collaborative email: [email protected]
- PEI Collaborative Meetings 2022
- PEI Collaborative Meetings 2021
- PEI Collaborative Meetings 2020
- PEI Collaborative Meetings 2019
- PEI Collaborative Meetings 2018
The MHSA (formerly known as Proposition 63) was approved by California voters to provide a 1% tax on personal income over $1 million in order to expand and transform the county mental health service system. It became effective January 1, 2005. The MHSA called upon local counties to transform their public mental health systems to achieve the goals of raising awareness, promoting the early identification of mental health problems, making access to treatment easier, improving the effectiveness of services, reducing the use of out-of-home and institutional care, and eliminating stigma toward those with severe mental illness or serious emotional disturbance. Counties were also required to collaborate with diverse community stakeholders in order to realize the MHSA’s vision of recovery and wellness. This vision was based on the belief in the strengths and resiliency of each person with mental illness and has been fundamental to the development of more comprehensive, innovative, culturally responsive services for individuals and families served by local mental health systems.
The MHSA is made up of five components: Community Services and Supports (CSS), Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI), Workforce Education and Training (WET), Innovation (INN), and Capital Facilities and Technology (CFTN).
- For more information click here
Mental Health Services Act 3-Year Program and Expenditure Plan (FY 20/21 – FY 22-23)